How To Help Your Kids Enjoy The Dentist | Fayetteville, GA

mom and daughter brushing teeth

A trip to the dentist often invokes anxiety for both children and parents alike. However, transforming the dental visit into a positive and enjoyable experience is crucial for fostering good oral health habits from a young age. In this blog post, we’ll explore effective strategies to help kids not only overcome their dental fears but actually look forward to their visits.

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Understanding Dental Anxiety & How To Overcome It | Fayetteville, GA

woman with dental anxiety

Dental anxiety is a common concern that affects individuals of all ages, preventing many from seeking the dental care they need. The fear of dental procedures can lead to postponed appointments, deteriorating oral health, and unnecessary discomfort. In this blog post, we’ll explore the roots of dental anxiety and provide practical tips to help you overcome it, ensuring a positive and stress-free dental experience.

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Dental Appointments with Lasers | Fayetteville, GA

woman with dental anxiety

The use of the traditional drill is often cited as one of the reasons why plenty of patients tend to skip out on going to the dentist. Fortunately, we no longer live in a time and age where dentists have to rely on their drills and other conventional tools to perform most, if not all, of their procedures. Still iffy? Here are some benefits to dental lasers:

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The Relationship Between Oral Bacteria and Sugar | Fayetteville, GA

girl eating an apple

The human mouth is a bustling ecosystem, home to a diverse community of microorganisms, including bacteria. While these microscopic residents play crucial roles in maintaining oral health, an intricate dance unfolds when sugar enters the scene. This blog post delves into the fascinating interaction between sugar and bacteria in the mouth, shedding light on the consequences of this sweet partnership.

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The Anatomy of the Human Mouth | Fayetteville, GA

woman smiling with perfect dental health

The human mouth consists of several distinct components, each with its unique functions. It’s a marvel of biological engineering, serving a multitude of essential functions that go far beyond mere communication. This intricate structure plays a vital role in our ability to eat, breathe, and express our emotions. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the anatomy of the human mouth and the various components that make it such a versatile and indispensable part of our bodies.

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Bad Breath Happens, Here’s Why | Fayetteville, GA

girl eating an apple

Even if we brush, floss, and use mouthwash before bed, we will likely wake up with less-than-favorable breath. Having halitosis, or bad breath, is normal- it happens to all of us. There are so many ways we can develop bad breath, so it’s important to understand what contributes to it, and how we can go about mitigating our chances of having and retaining the bad breath.

Bad habits may seem like an obvious contributor, but many who practice these habits, have become accustomed to or disassociated from the connection between them. Habits such as smoking, chewing tobacco, and failing to maintain a proper oral hygiene routine will all contribute to bad breath.

The next one is food- onion, and garlic being the most notable two foods that play a part in our breath. Essentially, any food that one might find to smell bad (despite how delicious it may be), can contribute to bad breath. Then, there are bacteria. If you suffer from dry mouth or don’t drink enough water to generally keep your mouth moist and recycle food particles throughout the day, bacteria will begin to take over. Oral bacteria feed on the sugars left behind when we eat or drink sugary or acidic foods, producing foul-smelling acids in kind.

A lesser-known cause of bad breath is our tonsils. Our tonsils have deep holes called crypts that are commonly associated with bad breath. These crypts can harbor bacteria that is typically described as smelling like cheese which, you guessed it, gives you bad breath.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Tooth Discoloration And You: What To Know | Fayetteville, GA

teeth whitening

Tooth discoloration can target anyone, no matter how well we perform our oral care routine. Tooth discoloration isn’t something that happens overnight, it is the accumulation of years of simply being human. Thankfully, however, when we understand the main culprits of discoloration, we can work to mitigate our risk of it, and prolong our need or eventual desire for whitening treatments. Here are some of the most common culprits of tooth discoloration:

– One of the most common ones is a poor oral care routine. When we don’t employ proper brushing and flossing, we allow the residue from what we consume to remain on our teeth, working to subtly discolor them over time. If you notice hard-to-remove brown patches on or between your teeth, it may be tartar buildup, which creates obvious discoloration and needs to be removed by your dentist.

  • Any dark liquid such as red wine, coffee, soda, or even hot chocolate can discolor our teeth. Be mindful of the amount of dark-colored foods and drinks if you want to avoid discoloration, and brush 30 minutes after consumption to mitigate risk.
  • Tobacco in any form is another common contributor to discoloration. It commonly produces a yellow hue on the teeth that can’t be easily removed by our twice-daily routine.
  • The excessive use of fluoride, believe it or not, can also discolor our teeth. If we excessively use fluoride-infused oral care products it can be too much, causing streaking or leaving behind a brown outline around your teeth.
  • Enamel decay is a consequence of a poor oral care routine. Enamel protects our teeth, but it can be worn down over time and as it does, you will notice a variety of stains and changes to your teeth like white spots or yellow-brown streaks.

Help your pearly whites shine by taking these preventative measures:

– Brush 30 minutes after eating or drinking

– Floss twice daily

– Reduce sugary foods and drink intake

– Add calcium to your diet

-Don’t use tobacco

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.-

What To Know About Tooth Extraction | Fayetteville, GA

woman with dental anxiety

The thought of visiting the dentist for a tooth extraction can put fear into anyone; it’s pretty much one of the last things we want to experience at the dentist. Yet, severe tooth decay, an infection, a cracked tooth, gum disease where the bone is compromised, and impacted wisdom teeth are more detrimental to your quality of life and oral health. The momentary anxiety and recovery time are well worth it when compared to the health complications of a tooth that needs to be extracted.

Extractions generally fall into two categories – simple extraction, and surgical extraction.


When you need a simple extraction, you will likely be provided general anesthetic to the area of your mouth where the extraction will take place. Once completely numb, your dentist will gain a grip on your tooth using special instruments to physically loosen the tooth to the point where it can be easily pulled. Once completed, you may be prescribed antibiotics and a gentle means of cleaning the area to mitigate the chance of infection as the socket heals. It’s important to not allow food particles to get healed over in the socket, as they will eventually rot and require removal later on.


Surgical extractions, as you might imagine, are more involved. They require an oral surgeon and the use of anesthesia because these extractions usually occur below the gum tissue, or require cutting the surrounding tissue or the bone itself to remove. Just like with a simple extraction, you may be prescribed antibiotics and a gentle means of cleaning the area to mitigate the chance of infection as the socket heals. Again, it’s important to not allow food particles to get healed over in the socket, as they will eventually rot and require removal later on.

If you do require an extraction, discuss your concerns and questions with your dentist, and gain an understanding of the healing process, so you can arrange a driver or request time off work ahead of time if necessary. Your dentist will provide you with all the information you need to know prior to and following your extraction to ensure you understand what you are entering into, and can assist you through the recovery process.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.