Dental Myths and Misconceptions | Fayetteville, GA

woman smiling with perfect dental health

Oral care and hygiene are paramount to our ability to maintain and retain our teeth as we age. With so much information about oral care practices online, we felt it was important to demystify some of the most common dental myths we hear and offer advice on how to move forward.

Myth 1. Hard Brushing Cleans Better.

This action is counter-productive, as excess pressure on your teeth can work to damage enamel rather than support it. Hard brushing also hurts our gums and can lead to a recessed gum lining over time. We recommend taking care to brush gently with a soft-bristle brush.

Myth 2. Chewing Gum Helps Clean Teeth.

Chewing gum is certainly not a replacement to brushing. Chewing gum can be a great way to combat sugar cravings or a candy habit, but while it makes your breath smell better, it cannot replace the benefits of brushing.

Myth 3. Baby Teeth Don’t Need Brushing.

Good oral care practices begin when we are young, and proper oral care for a child’s first set of teeth matters. Tooth decay in a baby tooth can lead to complications as an adult, so we recommend a twice daily brushing routine as soon as the child has teeth.

Myth 4. Sugar Causes Cavities.

Sugar itself is not the cause of cavities, though the bacteria that eat the sugar can be. The starches and sugar itself attract bacteria that thrive on the surface of your teeth and release an acidic compound that promotes tooth decay. Regular brushing and rinsing after eating particular sugary foods will go a log way to prevent decay.

Myth 5. Enamel Loss Causes Sensitivity.

There are many reasons why we may experience sensitivity, and enamel loss doesn’t happen overnight. Tooth grinding, abrasive toothpaste, aggressive brushing and lack of regular proper oral hygiene all contribute to both sensitivity and a loss of enamel. Should you lose your enamel however, you will likely experience tooth sensitivity as well.

To schedule an appointment today or learn more about Dream Works Dental and see the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created, visit us online at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

What Type of Toothbrush and Toothpaste is Right For Me? | Fayetteville, GA

mom and daughter brushing teeth

When it comes to oral hygiene we all know its best to have a nicely bristled toothbrush and brush twice a day for two minutes. For most of us, that is a good enough rule of thumb for our oral hygiene, but how we brush also matters.

When you go to pick out a new toothbrush, the package notes different bristle stiffness options such as “soft” or “hard”. Dentists recommend soft bristle brushes for people of all ages to decrease excess pressure and harsh brushing on your teeth and gums. Excess pressure while brushing can damage enamel and create microtears in your gum tissue.

Other decisions to make about your toothbrush include what materials it’s made from, bristle pattern and the addition of things like charcoal to the bristles.

Plastic toothbrushes with rubber grips line the lisle, but did you know toothbrushes are also made with bamboo and plant-based, compostable materials? Toothbrushes made from plant materials contribute less plastic waste to our world; simply cut off the bristles and burry the handle in your yard (or as recommended by manufacturer).

Bristle pattern and things like additional cleaning or whitening features are up to you. Whatever pattern you choose, all toothbrushes are designed to remove surface level food and stains. Toothbrushes featuring additives are not inherently bad – they can complement a well-rounded hygienic routine. Just be sure not to utilize only charcoal or use it too often, as it may serve to damage your enamel more than it whitens your teeth.

Toothpaste options tend to range from flavor to sensitivity level. Sensitivity toothpaste works by concealing dentinal tubules or desensitizing nerve endings. They also contain fluoride which works to strengthen enamel. While the flavor of your toothpaste is unique to you, stringent options such as peppermint may affect the enjoyment of your morning coffee.

To schedule an appointment today or learn more about Dream Works Dental and see the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created, visit us today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Easy Practices for Better Oral Hygiene | Fayetteville, GA

woman smiling with perfect dental health

Caring for our oral hygiene is highly important to our overall health. While we all do our best, there are habits you may have picked up along the way that may contribute significantly to the deterioration of our overall oral hygiene.

Here are some behaviors that may be worth considering the next time you step into your bathroom.

Toothbrush Storage. How we care for our toothbrush matters – a dirty or splay-bristled toothbrush can introduce unwanted bacteria or hurt your gums while you brush. The best way to care for your brush is to rinse after brushing and allow to air dry on its own.

Toothbrush Cleanliness. Keeping your toothbrush dry and clean is important for your oral hygiene and the longevity of the brush. Packing a wet toothbrush invites a warm, moist environment for bacteria to grow. Overcleaning your brush however will deteriorate the bristles faster, meaning more replacement.

Multitasking. Many of us utilize brushing time to pick out our clothing for the day or wipe the mirror. While this isn’t a bad thing, it may mean you aren’t brushing your teeth properly. Over time, the lack of care will contribute to a buildup of bacteria between your teeth or gums.

Irregular Dental Visits. Its completely understandable why people may be hesitant to visit the dentist; dental anxiety, bad experiences and strange noises can contribute to an uneasy visit. Avoiding the dentist, or having inconsistent visits can escalate what may have been a small issue under regular care.

To schedule an appointment today or learn more about Dream Works Dental and see the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created, visit us today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Is IV Sedation Right For Me? | Fayetteville, GA

woman with dental anxiety

If you experience a physical reaction to the idea of certain stimuli being triggered by going to the dentist, you may have dental anxiety. Dental anxiety is common among kids and adults alike. Whether someone has had a bad experience at the dentist or not, we all know getting a second opinion could result in more serious diagnosis. Continue reading to learn if IV Sedation may be right for you.

When dentists perform restorative procedures, there are typically a variety of sedation options available to the individual. The two main ones being nitrous oxide or intravenous (IV) sedation. The inhalation of nitrous allows a patient to relax, but IV sedation can guide the patient into a deeper relaxation and in some cases, lull them to sleep.

The following are benefits to utilizing IV sedation for sleep dentistry.

  • Administration of the drug is tailored to the patient’s needs
  • The results of IV sedation are reliable and the most effective means of sedation
  • If you are particularly sensitive to your gag reflex, IV sedation will relax the reaction, but your dentist may recommend nitrous oxide
  • In contrast to general anesthesia, IV sedation is safer and allows you to retain consciousness.
  • Due to the amount of control your practitioner has with the dosage of IV administered, your recovery time is shorter than with oral sedation.

Remaining consistent with your oral health in your daily life, as well as with regular check-ups, are the best way to avoid unfavorable experiences at the dentist. If you do enter into a restorative process, discuss your concerns with your dentist to see if IV sedation may be right for you.

To schedule an appointment today or learn more about Dream Works Dental and see the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created, visit us today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth | Fayetteville, GA

girl eating an apple

As we age, the seasons change and our tastes evolve, so do our habits. Over time, daily decisions can discolor our teeth despite best practices with our oral care. While habits that discolor our teeth such as smoking and drinking coffee may require professional whitening to correct, certain foods can aid in the daily maintenance of a bright smile.

Here are some ways you can enhance your smile through your diet.

Fruit. Remember the old adage “an apple a day..” well, this hearty fruit plays another role in our health. Apples are a powerhouse food for a white smile. The crispness of an apple works our gums and strengthens them when we bite and chew. The tart taste produces saliva which helps clear bacteria that may produce cavities. Pears are another great fruit to indulge. Like apples, pears help strengthen gums while neutralizing odor-causing, stain-inducing bacteria. If citrus fruits are more your taste, reach for an orange. The Vitamin C boost is great for overall health, and the citric acid helps remove top-level stains.

Vegetables. Vegetables may not seem like the most likely way to maintain pearly white teeth, but the benefits of eating veggies go beyond nourishment. Vegetables contain a mix of water, fiber and texture that work to scrub and clean your teeth. Celery and other fibrous vegetables act like natural flossers while the texture of veggies like cauliflower scrub away at surface buildup.

Dairy. Dairy products such as milk and yogurt are rich in calcium. This mineral works to strengthen your tooth enamel, an important contribution to long-term oral health. Each of your teeth have their own shell of enamel that protect it from erosion and cavities, but we only generate tooth enamel once in our lifetimes. It’s important to maintain proper oral hygiene to protect this enamel since once it has eroded, there is no way to get it back.

Of course, it’s not recommended to consume only teeth-whitening foods, but in addition to proper oral hygiene, these foods can aid in the fight against stains.

To schedule an appointment today or learn more about Dream Works Dental and see the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created, visit us today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Survival Tips for Dental Implant Surgery | Fayetteville, GA

dental implant

Oral surgery, like any, comes with it’s own set of procedures, expectations and realities. One of those realities is that the post-operation side of that gorgeous new smile are a few side effects. Before we share our insight on how to care for your mouth post-operation, it’s important to understand why aftercare is so important.

Dental implants are installed into your jawbone, hardware replacing natural roots, and an enamel tooth fitted over the outstanding base from the gumline. For your body to adjust, and the surgery site remain stable and heal, the patient must remain gentle with his or herself. Here is how we suggest you tend to your dental implant post-operation care.

Expect to be sore. Your gum tissue and jawbone have just endured dental implant surgery; the surgery site will be sore. An over-the-counter medication may be recommended for the first day or so following the procedure. However, you may quickly find a more relaxed pain medication such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol does the trick.

You may be swollen. This is completely normal and to be expected. Due to the nature of a dental implant procedure, the surgery site is likely to swell. In some cases, this means the jaw, gum and cheek(s) are all inflamed for up to a week. You can relieve some of the swelling by applying ice to the affected area(s). We recommend 15-minute intervals between applications; 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off for an effective reduction in swelling.

Bruising. Bruises are a result of disrupted blood cells under the surface of your skin. We all know that bumping into a table can cause bruising; so can dental implant surgery. Likely more noticeable as swelling decreases, your jawbone and cheeks may be bruised following surgery. Discoloration of the bruises will fade over time. Potassium from the consumption of bananas and other foods may aid in the reduction of bruises.

In the week or so following surgery, you should notice a significant reduction in facial swelling and discoloration. Your healing will have progressed to the point where you may return to routine daily activities. If healing begins to stagnate, or worsen during this time, call your dentist immediately.

To schedule an appointment today or learn more about Dream Works Dental and see the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created, visit us today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

What Do I Need to Know About Dentures? | Fayetteville, GA

woman smiling with perfect dental health

Dentures are a great option for adults who have lost some or all their teeth due to trauma or decay. Dentures are removable acrylic replacements for missing teeth. They can be created to fill in gaps, or replace a full set of teeth, depending on your need.

Here are some things to consider if dentures are an option for you:

  • They take some getting used to. As with any new thing in our lives, speaking with new dentures will take some practice
  • Made of synthetic materials, a denture might not feel like your teeth, but are hand created to look good and be comfortable to wear.
  • Dentures are available as a full, partial, or implant-supported set.
    • Full Dentures. Used for patients missing either arch or both, full dentures are permanently secured into a base. They can be held in place via adhesive or suction.
    • Partial Dentures. More like a retainer, false teeth are held by a metal framework that attaches to your natural teeth. Partial dentures are for patients missing only a few teeth.
    • Implant-Supported Dentures. These dentures snap into implants inserted into a patient’s jawbone. The implants give the denture more support, preventing movement while you speak, eat or drink.

To schedule an appointment today or learn more about Dream Works Dental and see the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created, visit us today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.